
Black Phenom

Black Phenom is the king of the secretive and highly advanced nation of Nalanda . He protects his people as the latest in a legacy line of Black Phenom warriors. He projects a calm, dignified demeanor worthy of a king. He is deeply passionate about protecting his people, but he's much more of a stoic, strategic royal than a hotheaded superhero.


As Polynova's Sorcerer Supreme, Mysterio wields arcane spells and mystical artifacts to defend the planet against malevolence. He is orderly and prefers the predictable. He doesnโ€™t jump into battles carelessly. He is one of the most powerful beings in babyvengers. Mysterio used to be a heart surgeon but now he possesses a number of mystic artifacts and a vast knowledge of spells, incantations, curses and entities.


Mischievio, who is the rightful heir to the warrior kingdom in planet phlegethon, was weak in physical strength & had a rough childhood. But he was highly intelligent & through mischievousness he'd go on to take what he wants, whenever he wants including his kingdom which was snatched from him.

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